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                                           Left, Right, or Straight?  


Could you imagine getting somewhere you've never been without GPS!?! I sure can't, Google Maps is my travel buddy. Having discernment is like having a spiritual GPS. It is one of the many if not the most important gifts one should seek to obtain. It unmasks the disguises of the enemy that come from every direction of life, helping you to avoid the traffic caused by his many traps, a head on collision of disappointments, or dead end roads that blind you into thinking you're on the right path when you're actually way off the path that God intended. 


 You may THINK you know... but you have no Idea! 


     "There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness"

    -Proverbs 30:12 


The enemy is soooooooo clever and very skilled in his profession of deception (2 Corinthians 11:13-15), He's been in business for many years so he know's the game better than you! in fact he even knows the word of God better than most believers! Remember Adam & Eve, the 1st humans of creation, even they were deceived by the enemy due to him twisting the Word of God (Genesis 3:1). You can not rely on your own point of view, your emotions, or your will to guide you through this life. DON'T allow the enemy to deceive you. 


 Obtaining Discernment:


 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." 

 -Psalm 119:105


Obtaining discernment starts with seeking the ultimate source, the creator of all things, the all knowing, God the Father. His word is a blueprint, a step-by-step guide for a dummy proof life! The Bible is so much more than a book of Do's & Don'ts. It exposes you to God's character, His Plan, His Promises, and the way in which He's called you to live the life he gave you. It's all for your benefit, not for your destruction. It even gives a play-by-play of what happens when you choose to go your own route, by examining the lives of those who've lived before you. So you get to learn from their mistakes instead of your own!  


 Consequences of lacking discernment:


"Woe to those who call evil good  and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight."

-Isaiah 5:20-21 


Without discernment, you will continue to walk the path God never intended. You'll find yourself in situations that could have been avoided had you headed to God's instruction the first time. You may even miss out on the blessings God has in store. Obedience is always better than sacrifice.



"Listen to my instruction and be wise, do not disregard it"

-Proverbs 8:33 




The Value of Discernment:

"Who, then, are those who fear the Lord?
    He will instruct them in the ways they should choose"

-Psalm 25:12 


We live in a world plagued by the influence of politics, celebrities, social media, entertainment, false prophets with false doctrine, & the list goes on & on. Evil has been twisted to be disguised as "good" & good has been tainted & now viewed as evil. We are constantly deceived! 


People have adopted their own point of view and choose to live by what fuels their own passions and desires. It has become socially acceptable to do whatever "makes YOU happy." So how is it possible to navigate through a world full of personal opinion? Who sets the standard of what's truly "good" & acceptable? And how can we obtain the answers we need to live life the way we've been called? 


   Welcome to Discerning Eyes.... 

"There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes,Yet is not washed from it's filthiness." 

-Proverbs 30:12 

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