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Tori's Testimony

I'm Tori, from a small town in North Carolina. Typical black girl in a typical black family, however I struggled with anxiety and severe depression. Mental Illness isn't something we like to discuss in the African American community.

I grew up in church however I wasn't really aware of how much God truly loved me. Although I was a pretty average kid, I didn't feel attractive, nor did I have many friends. Every guy I liked dumped me and no girl ever invited me to sleepovers. Self confidence was a big deal of mine because growing up without the love and affection of a father made self security seem impossible. I tried to find my significance in how many people liked me but it made the void in my heart grow deeper. By the time of my freshman year of college, I began to self harm. For two years straight I injured my body with razors because I felt that since no one else loved me, why should I love myself?

I contemplated suicide, but my attempts weren't successful. One day, I was in my bathroom preparing to cut my arms and I felt God tugging at my heart. I was immediately convicted because I knew that what I did to my body was wrong, but I felt that I could not get out. Over time, I was introduced to a group of people at a small group and through their love and prayers, I was finally healed.


There are still times that those thoughts of the pain taunt me, but I know that I am an overcomer through Jesus. My testimony is unique I'm just now getting the courage to express it, but God reminded us in Peter to...

"Cast all of our anxieties on him because he cares for you" {1 Peter 5:7}

-Tori Mc

Facebook: Tori Mc

Instagram: t.isfortori

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