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Study Tools

Studying the Bible can be a little challenging if you don't have the right tools.There are so many tools and resources available to assist you with grasping the understanding of God's word. Also keep in mind that you have a helper available to you at all times; the Holy Spirit guides us and helps us to receive the revelation of the scriptures.

“The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).


1. Get a Bible version that you understand:

I like to use the King James and New Living Translation versions of the Bible. However, you should use the version that you understand best. Here are some popular suggestions below:

>New International Version

>King James Version

>New Living Translation

>English Standard Version

>New King James Version

{Read more at Top 10 Bible Translations of 2016}

2. Seek clarity through prayer and through wise counsel:

There may be some things in your word that you find hard to grasp. Often, through confusion the word can be falsely interpreted or taken out of it's initial context. That is why prayers for understanding are essential before diving into the word. In addition, consulting someone seasoned in the faith and with their reading of the word will provide wise counsel and interpretation of scripture.

3. Find resources that engage you in the reading of the word:

>>Attend a Bible study regularly<<

Bible study gives you an opportunity to ask all the questions you need for clarity (even the ones you think are stupid). As a new believer, I was struggling to comprehend most things in my word. Bible study has trained me to pull out the revelation of scripture and apply it to my life. It has also helped me to discover more about God's character with other people who are seeking to know Him just as much as I am!

>>The Bible App (by YouVersion)<<

This app provides a variety of Bible versions and daily devotionals. It also comes with a variety of Bible reading plans that are tailored to your season of life. They have an option for you to set daily reminders to keep you engaged in the word daily.

>>The Read Scripture App<<

Designed by a non profit organization called The Bible Project, this app breaks down the Bible by 2-3 chapters per each book and also include illustrated video summaries that provide clarity. They even have study sheets that can be printed for in-depth study. Find out more about the Bible Project on their website at and their Read Scripture App through your app store.

*Here is a video summary of the book of Genesis from the creators of the bible project.*

I hope these short tips were helpful. The Bible can be difficult to digest no matter where you are in your faith. Stay encouraged, you'll get the hang of it! Seek these resources and comment any others that you think may be helpful below!

Grace & Peace Be With You,


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