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The 10 & Ten Challenge

How often do you make time for God?

I'm not talking about your quick prayers before bed or saying grace over your food, I'm talking about designated uninterrupted time just for Him?

Time with God is so crucial for developing your relationship with Him. We often take His presence for granted, but He's the only relationship that truly matters. Our relationship with Him is what shapes who we are and reveals what we were created to do.

How else should we expect to grow in our character, discernment, and understanding of our purpose if we don't spend time with the one who's created us?

God is always awaiting an encounter with you, He delights in engaging in every aspect of your life. I've often heard people say, "My time is valuable" or "People make time for what they truly want." Do you value your relationship with God?, Do you truly want Him to be a part of your life?

I've just initiated this practice into my life consistently. I got the idea from the ministry I serve with at church and as I've applied it, it has truly been a blessing and has provided me so much peace!

If we change our perspective on prayer it can be so rewarding for us. Don't think of it as "I have to have to pray" (no one is forcing you) instead think, "I get to pray"! With Jesus as your lord and savior, you have a direct line to God! That’s Amazing! So why not use it? Why not grow in wisdom?, why not get to know the character of the One who created you?

"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."

(Jeremiah 33:3)

Join me in this challenge as I continue to set aside some time alone with God. I challenge you to pull away from the distractions of your day and take at least 10 minutes of prayer & 10 minutes of scripture reading with God daily. Only 20 mins a day!, that's not even as long as your favorite TV show! You pick the time of day and stick with it!, after-all, nobody likes being stood up on a date, so Don't leave Jesus hanging! lol

Will you join me? If so, Comment below!

Grace & Peace Be With You,


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